Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Finals Week Musings

Hey. I'm sitting on my couch. In my house. Wearing my favorite top I found in a small boutique in Spokane. I found it when I was on a trip with my girlfriends over spring break. I just want to say how much I love my life. Because I do, I love my life. I finally feel the age I have always felt- it seems I just needed T. Swift to tell me about it:) I'm excited for the summer to spend more time blogging, reading, spending time with my friends and preparing for the adventure called student teaching.
Things I want to do over the summer:
read the books on my shelf
read the science and literacy papers I didn't get to read
spray paint and fill frames
go goodwill furniture shopping

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Lab Write-Up LP

I thoroughly enjoyed creating this lesson plan. This particular myth busters clip is perfect for it, and there are natural breaks where I can pause and discuss with students different aspects of research. This clip also includes important practices in science such as repeatable data, significant differences, etc.

lab write-up lesson plan Sample Lab write-up