Thursday, November 1, 2012

Teaching Styles

Part of my schedule this year involves a program where I act as a Learning Assistant (LA) to a General Physics course at my school. This involves helping students work through Tutorials which are highly edited and constructed lessons that take students through a system of building a model for different physics concepts. I am not entirely convinced if this type of learning works, but, I'm starting to believe in it a little more every time I teach because of the amazing learning that is going on in these small groups. Which is interesting because I hear more and more frustration from students every day, which tells me it's either working really well, or not at all:) So, my point. I am so excited to continue teaching and see where my thoughts go on this topic. I have awesome colleagues also involved in this and they always inspire me with their interesting thoughts.

P.S. Aren't these elephants adorable? My wonderful roommate took this picture at Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma:)

P.S.S. My Mama's birthday is today. And she's cool. And I love her.


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