Saturday, May 19, 2012


Get ready, I'm about to geek out. Usually I spend my Saturday's, especially in the morning, not in my warm bed but in coffee shops around Seattle. The one I usually go to was closed:( but my standby starbucks did the trick. This is what was created from my time this morning. I think it's supercool, the general populous will probably disagree, but I'm okay with that:)

This is a concept map I made for my Cellular Biology test on Monday. Enjoy!



Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What I Do

I mentioned I am a student in my last post. Let me talk a little bit about that. I attend a university here in Seattle and I study two things. The first is physiology. The chemistry, biology and wonderfulness about the way creatures work. I also study teaching. The chemistry, biology and wonderfulness about the way high school students work:).
Teaching is in my bones. I've been obsessed this week with blogs teachers write. I cannot wait for the day I can post about my high school classes. For now, I'm going to have to settle for the students I work with as a Teaching Assistant.
As this year closes I look around the Bio Lab and see my baby freshman have turned into sophomores, practically overnight. This is why I love everything about what I do, this transformation and growth that occurs when you watch people grow up.

Crazy, huh?



P.S. I am nannying for the summer, so that's cool, too.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Where I live

Seattle. The rainy city. This is where I live. As a student, I spend most of my days in coffee shops, working on homework, papers and other things students do- (translation: procrastinate and think about life:))
Speaking of thinking about life, I turn 21 years old in a week. Holy cow. I kind of have a thing for birthdays. A sort of magic comes around once a year for everyone where thoughts of past, present, and future collide into a panic for some and a dream for others. I'm not sure what this year brings for me. I'll keep you posted.

Have a wonderful day!



P.S. This is a photo I pinned on pinterest this week. Adorable.