Sunday, January 10, 2016


The life of a sub is up and down. Last week I was at 4 different schools. This coming week I'll be at one school all week, but as three different teachers. I actually thrive on an unpredictable schedule. I enjoy it. But at some point routine becomes a necessity. I pretend to run as part of that routine (pretend because I am incredibly unathletic!). I live at the mouth of the columbia river and I run along the riverwalk. It's beautiful and on clear days the sea lions swim along with me.

The month of December is rough in Oregon because it is so dark and dreary... by 4pm. Finally we are in January and my running routine can resume.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Reading Groups

Spending time in elementary classes has given me a much needed education on elementary curriculum. One of the most interesting things I have observed from the teacher side is the reading groups. Every 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade class I have been in has some sort of reading groups where a group of kids meets to read with the teacher each day. While the students are not with the teacher, they are working on other tasks like reading packets, silent reading or vocabulary.
If I was to teach one of these grades, I want to write out my ideas on the subject. If you are a teacher and have other unique reading group ideas, please share!
- Read chapter books together??
- Read scientific articles together
- Group students by interest, science vs. animals vs. space, etc. to help students read what they like.
- Individualize non-group times.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Now through May


Slinging fish.
(side job, not a lot to report there.)

Planning a trip to Europe and Africa. 
(I never intended this to be a travel blog, but I find myself wanting to share parts of the preparations!)

Christmas Party!

I was able to sub for a fourth grade teacher on the day before school got out for Christmas break. This meant that I got to run the Christmas party for the class. We had a blast. Here are some pictures of the day we had.

We worked on Holiday themed writing...
Read part of Wonder...
Worked on Multiplication and Division math facts by playing bingo...
And then ate our weight in christmas treats!

We also played a game with paper plates. Here are the rules.

All you need are sturdy paper plates and pens for each player.
The host tells the players to put their paper plate on their head.
Then the host will give a series of instructions for the players to draw on their paper plates (that are on their heads) without looking.
Here are the instructions:
1. Draw a line for a floor.
2. Draw a Christmas Tree. Add decorations if you feel so inclined.
3. Draw a star on top of your tree.
4. Draw a fireplace with a mantel next to the tree.
5. Draw a stocking hanging from the mantel of your fireplace.
6. Draw a present below the tree.
After the six steps have been given, let everyone look at their masterpieces.
Get ready for a serious giggle fest.
Then have players count up how many points they received by following this rubric:
1. 2 points if the tree touches the floor.
2. 2 points if your stocking is touching your mantel.
3. 1 point if your star touches your tree.
4. 1 point if your star is above your tree.
5. 1 point for every Christmas ornament ball that is ON your tree, etc.
6. 1 point if your fireplace doesn’t touch the tree (it’s a fire hazard!).
7. 1 point if you actually drew something decorative on your stocking (or something cute, like a tiny kitten peeking out).
8. 2 points if your present is under your tree.
The player with the most points should receive a really awesome prize!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Felice anno nuovo

A little morning chalkboard art to bring in the new year.
Thankful for 2015.
SOO ready for 2016. 

Anyone else?