Friday, October 4, 2013

H2-Honor student access to content material

H2-Honor student access to content material. Teacher-candidates use multiple instructional strategies, including the principles of second language acquisition, to address student academic language ability levels and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. When I read this standard, I think about accommodating students who need a little extra help. Accommodations occur for students with IEP's or 504's. I have several students that fall into these categories in my classes. The attached picture shows an accommodation I use every day for my sixth period biology class. I have a student with vision problems along with other learning and developmental issues. To help him in class, we create enlarged documents for him to use in class.  Enlarging the documents is in accordance to his IEP and allows his eyes to strain a little less giving him a little more energy to engage in the class. I believe this evidence demonstrates my understanding of H2 because of the way that enlarging documents for this student honors his culture and language ability. He represents the special education culture well   and works really hard to thrive in a subject that can be challenging for him. By modifying assignments for this student, I have found that those accommodations are not menial tasks for teachers, but truly help students do their best.

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