Thursday, October 15, 2015


I love it when an article captures my attention right off the bat.
"Misconceptions in Biology Education and Conceptual Change Strategies." Education Sciences: Theory and Practice. Bahar, M. May 2003. 55-64.

I read this article and found in very similar to what I found as a Learning Assistant in the Physics Department of SPU, even though this article was written in Turkey. A few good ideas and further areas of research.


-Misconceptions, or also known as:

  • erroneous ideas

  • preconceptions

  • multiple private versions of science

  • underlying sources of error

  • personal models of reality

  • spontaneous reasoning

  • persistent pitfalls

  • common sense concepts

  • spontaneous knowledge

  • alternative frameworks

  • children science

  • alternative conceptions

-An interesting pre-test to stimulate and evaluate cognitive structure on a topic:

  • write as many worlds related to a topic or subject as possible in 30 seconds

    • gives teacher an idea of how concepts are ordered (based on order of response) in a students brain

-Diagnostic tree testing- use a series of true/false questions to deduce where student understanding goes wrong. *** could use to replace multiple choice questions on a test

-"We know that they [misconceptions] are tenacious and resistant to extinction."

  • I love this. It is SO true and really interesting how strongly students hold on to their misconceptions

  • So, best practices in breaking misconceptions down and rebuilding accepted concepts?

Places to research next:

-Journal of research in science teaching

-Structural Communication Grids?

Misconceptions in Biology Education and Conceptual Change Strategies

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