Friday, October 12, 2012


School. Leaves. Fall colors. Delicious smells. I love everything about this season. In Seattle, Fall has arrived seemingly overnight.

In contrast to previous Falls, this Fall has brought heartbreak, sickness and service to friends in need. A humble reminder that life is funny.

Fall is always a time of viewing the stark difference of my life now to what it was a year or two years ago. I am a Teaching Assistant for a class that I was in my Freshman year of college. Now as a Senior, it is such a joy to watch high schooler's become College students and struggle with all the real life issues (whether or not to study or go play downtown and what it means to be a scientist AND a believer) I struggled with a mere three years ago.

Anyways, I hope everyone gets the opportunity to find the beauty of this season amidst all the struggles that inevitable accompany this time of year.

photo credit: Pinterest


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