Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Books to read

I was in a bit of a book slump. Nothing could really hold my interest. THEN, all of a sudden I can't get my hands on enough books. EVERYTHING is interesting. I am seriously thinking about transitioning my license to elementary school. This means that I need to get caught up on some common reading group books!

Here is my list:
Rats of NIMH
The Tale of Desperaux
The story of Ruby Bridges
The Light Princess
The Wall
Babe Didrikson Zaharis: The Making of a Champion
The Year of Miss Agnes
A Single Shard

Older YA books:
How it Went Down
Chain Gang Elementary

Working in the correctional facility last year, I realized how important it is to find culturally relevant books. I'm still looking for books for a primarily hispanic community, primarily african american community and a "projects" community where there is a lot of diversity. Small town books seem to be pretty well covered. 

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