Before school started, August me described seating woes as follows:
As a student teacher I learned that you can make groups by having students in line one turn around and face line two. In my new classroom my desks are at an angle, so this is a bit confusing. I am color coordinating the groups and assigning each four person group an element. Here are my table groups... It was hard to find these on the internet so I made my own.Then, school started. 6 out of 7 class periods were awesome. I ended my day with a rowdy bunch of misfits who would take the classroom by storm and leave me feeling like I was going to lose it every single day. my classroom morphed from lined tables into groups. my groups morphed into different sized groups, and recently groups of different sizes AND shapes. I'm finally happy with the tables I have and don't anticipate rearranging any time soon. Hopefully.
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