Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Job Update

My job is cool. I love hanging out with kids and exploring Seattle. I don't love whining. Or kids kicking the back of my seat. It's amazing how much I understand my Mom now that I am the one in charge. These are some pictures from the past two weeks. Life is SO good right now:)

1. Seattle is so gorgeous. Even in not so great weather, the water is wonderful.
2. I love sitting on the beach while they play, they are incredibly inquisitive, it's great.
3. We went to the zoo this week and of course checked out the elephants!
4. Movie day! It was thundering (which I desperately miss from Colorado) so we decided to stay in and do a movie day. These were our supplies.
5. We found fish on the beach in the tide pools. So cool.
6. They were so tiny!
7. We also found crab. This was the prettiest.
8. At the zoo we fed the birds, this totally took me back to my childhood. Love it.

So, summer is good. I get to hang out with friends at night and on the weekend and play during the day. Eventually I will figure out a way to curb the whining. I completely suggest nannying to anyone who needs a job. Okay. That's all.


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